Recipe | Swedish Pancakes

Recipe | Swedish Pancakes
Served with powdered sugar, sliced bananas, berry preserves & maple syrup.
Servings: 2 hungry people


4 eggs
2 cups liquid (I typically use 1 cup water, 1 cup oat milk)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon, optional but recommended
1 tbsp collagen powder, optional
2 cups flour, sifted
Oil or fat, as needed for frying; butter or coconut oil have worked well

Recommended toppings: Berries, bananas, powdered sugar, maple syrup


Mixing bowl
Measuring tools
Sifting screen
Frying pan or cast iron


In a mixing bowl, crack 4 eggs. Add everything except flour. Whisk mixture until combined and batter is creamy yellow. Continue to mix while adding sifted flour, a little at a time until all has been added.

In a frying pan over medium heat, melt a tsp or so of oil/fat. Pour your batter mixture into the middle of the melted oil, enough to cover the bottom of the pan about halfway. Swirl the mixture in the pan so that it thinly coats the entire bottom. Caution: pan handle may be hot! Once the top of the pancake turns from shiny to dull with the edges pulling away from the pan, flip to brown the other side. If your skillet is nice and hot, your pancakes should be ready to flip after a couple minutes. Keep an eye on them while they are in the pan. Once both sides are cooked and browned, serve immediately with the suggested toppings listed above.


Sifting flour is not required. You can dump everything into the bowl and mix it all up but I don't have good success in creating a lump-free batter that way. Go ahead and take the extra step. Sift. It's worth it.

Double this recipe and store half in the fridge for either a late night snack or for a quick and easy meal later on. We often eat breakfast for dinner and then have it again the next day. Easy!